miércoles, 6 de enero de 2010

Getting started with SVN(Subversion)

More than once, whenever we want to download libraries from websites, we are going to have the option of using a Subversion instead of downloading a .zip, which is better, because we will be able to get the latest version of the library every time.
You see, subversion (svn) is a system created for handling repositories, which is a way of organizing every version that a project has. Within these repositories, it is likely that you’ll find a folder which contains the latest version and others with previous versions or test versions.
That’s all very nice, but, how can you use this?

Well, first of all, you need to download a program that can handle this system. For Windows, Tortoise SVN is most commonly used:
Download and install it in your PC, once you have the program, you’ll have to create a new folder where you want your stuff to be. For example, a folder named “Classes” in My Documents, My Documents >Classes.
Once you have the folder, right-click it and select the option SVN Checkout…

Now you’ll be prompted for a URL, which is given by the website that hosts the library that we want, for example, Papervision 3D:
(This website gives you the link in the trunk folder, but because we only want the code, we are going to download the folder Source, the rest include examples or extra tool in case you want to download those)
This is the URL that we are going to use:

Click OK, and that’s it, the files will be downloaded to the computer.
Once all these files are downloaded, the folder will change to this icon:

Now, every once in a while libraries will be modified, as such, if you want to be always up to date, you just have to right-click the folder and select “SVN Update”.

And that’s it =) I hope this tutorial helps,
Greetings, Lalo Glz
Translated by: JavMT

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